Student projects/theses
If you just started or want to do a project or thesis with me, then please read my Lab Guide first.
I am open to supervising BSc and MSc (thesis) projects in my field of expertise and interest (current focus on MSc project & MSc thesis). Check my topic suggestions below or compare if my research description (main page) or my publications are close to your own original idea. Nevertheless, I am always open to new topics on the edge of my current research activities and particularly interested in your own passion. A good thesis also benefits from more than one supervisor, so I am open and encourage you to involve other faculty in thesis topics with me or involve me in your thesis project with another main supervisor.
The list of open topics below is indicative, thus directions and details are open for discussion. Also, this list is never complete and might get constantly extended and updated. Just contact me!
Open Topics
Exploring probabilistic processing of sequences with multiple timescales
Modelling mechanisms for “chunking”, currently the hottest mystery in the brain’s hierarchical processing
Harvesting the brain’s “chunking” in Machine Learning applications
Modelling language decomposition from audio books across languages
Explaining the brain with Machine Learning Models (on any cognitive task) by Representation Similarity Analysis
Modelling EEG data to explain human behaviour, i.e. for perception and decision-making in games
Understanding and modelling the hierarchical processing of music
Learning to generate music by learning the hierarchical dependencies of high keys (melodies) and rhythm (e.g. base tracks)
Inductive bias in natural language processing: Study current approaches of adding linguistic structure to Transformer Models
Using embodiment and the brain’s statistical learning as an inductive bias for Natural Language Processing models
Modelling of speech and multimodal data to diagnose neurodiversity (e.g. OCD, ASD, ADHS, …)
Learning different heuristic policies for decisions in human-human interaction or human-game interaction by Deep Reinforcement Learning
Guidelines for BSc and MSc Projects/Theses
If you have not read yet, please check my Lab Guide first. Second, check the ITU SAP guides for theses and projects.
Some useful guides for writing:
- William Strunk, W.B. White. The elements of style. 2008
- Does also apply to BSc/MSc: Tara Brabazon. How not to write a PhD thesis. Web. 2010.